"What is to become of the family? What is to become of the home, which has been the foundation of society for centuries? Will it disintegrate? Or can it be taken hold of in a new way? Let’s take our starting-point from today’s totally overtaxed homemaker.”
The opening questions and recognition of the strain homemakers face forms the premise of the fascinating, and ultimately uplifting book: The Spiritual Tasks of the Homemaker, a compilation of transcripts from lectures held from 1986-1992 at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland and in Lautenbach, Germany. The author is past Chair of the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society. The book is out-of-print; used copies are available on Amazon.
Published in 1996, the year my daughter Katherine joined her big brother to complete our family of four, The Spiritual Tasks of the Homemaker served as my introduction to Anthroposophy and awakened in me a powerful desire to co-create a community of families who, like us, sought to include a spiritual element in renewal of of the most primal element of society: the family. Since then, our community’s collective efforts inspired formation of a nonprofit, The Jacksonville Waldorf Initiative, which was the foundation entity for The Playgarden, The Seaside Charter Schools, and Spring River School. Such power from a small, 40-page collection of transcripts!

Each Sunday at 4pm, members of our Waldorf-inspired community meet on Zoom to explore in depth the strength, courage and insight required of homemakers in our Covid-19 pandemic environment. We’ve discussed old role expectations of the “ideal homemaker”, our freedom to choose homemaking as our destiny and what we hope to achieve as a parent— an issue the author frames as “… one of the most central questions of humanity today.”
Note from the Author:
All of our community families are encouraged to join our study of The Spiritual Tasks of the Homemaker each Sunday at 4:00pm on Zoom. Sign-up via email: clester904@gmail.com. I will provide a PDF of the first chapter. Sending you warm blessings for strength, insight and courage in your vital role as homemaker!
Bio of the Author:
Chris Lester is the Executive Director of N-Touch, and a longtime supporter of families in our community. Chris is also a Nationally Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and has worked as an Educational Consultant for Baptist Health 18 years.