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Festivals & Celebrations


Spring River is a community that celebrates the year's cycles through a rich and diverse festival life. 


Festivals help to create the radiant school that Rudolf Steiner spoke of over 100 years ago. Throughout the year, we celebrate festivals to connect us with the cycles of nature, establish a yearly rhythm for the children, and strengthen the school and greater community. Festivals help us to nourish our inner spirit through the sharing of stories, food, songs, and activities linked to the seasons, all expressed with beauty and reverence.  Most of our festivals include fun activities for all ages, along with delicious potluck food.


In addition to the community-wide festivals listed here, teachers may celebrate other festivals in the classroom. We honor diverse cultures and religious traditions through music, circle songs, activities, and crafts.  As parents, we are nourished by sharing stories, food and song.


We, along with our children, feel the joy in the anticipation, preparation, celebration, and memories.  Festivals are an important part of school life, and we urge all families to attend and participate if they can by volunteering. Please talk to your teacher or PTC Chair for volunteer opportunities.

Spring River Annual Festivals & Celebrations

  • Rose Ceremony: First Graders (First Day of School)

  • Michaelmas Play (End of September)

  • Dia de Los Muertos (November )

  • Annual Martinmas Camping Weekend at Crooked River State Park, including Lantern Walk (November)

  • Stone Soup (November)

  • Winter Spiral (December)

  • Winter Market/Caroling (January)

  • Candlemas (February)

  • Color Fun Run (March) celebrating Holi

  • Tea-Time (an in-house showcase for parents)

  • May Day (May)

  • Spring Campout/Olympics

  • Whitsun (May)

  • 8th Grade Graduation (end of May)

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